Housetrends prides itself on the ability to produce off-form concrete to the highest quality. Our in-house carpenters produce all the forms onsite to match any detail. We take your project on personally and strive to achieve the utmost detail to produce amazing finishes.
Form-to-Finish is our goal; forming, steel fixing and pouring ourselves to achieve desired results.
Please take a peak at our recent work below.
Concrete is the most commonly used construction
material for loadbearing and non-loadbearing
It's ability to be shaped to virtually any configuration enables it to provide
an extensive range of decorative and architectural
off-form finishes which can eliminate the need for
additional, and often costly, applied finishes using other building methods and
other materials.
With the variety of constituent materials that can be
used in concrete’s manufacture and the extensive
range of options for moulding and treating the surface,
a wide range of finishes can be produced. By utilising
concrete’s aesthetic potential as well as its well-known
structural properties, a cost-effective building solution
can be achieved